
WEEK 12 AT HOME  (from 8th to 14th.)

Hello boys and girls! It's nearly the end of the third term... so I bring you two on-line games...

These games are about the food, two entertained games: 

1) it's a mazeRun to the correct answer zone, whilst avoiding the enemies. (és com una "come-cocos" us heu de dirigir amb les fletxes del teclat cap a la casella correcta. El nom de la casella us el diu al principi de la partida) 

2)Ballon pop: Pop the balloons to drop each keyword onto its matching definition. (heu de rebentar els globos per fer-los caure dins la bagoneta que li correspongui)

I hope you have a wonderful week!! Lots of kisses for everyone!

WEEK 11 AT HOME  (from 2nd to 7th.)

Hello students!! This week we are going to make a restaurant menu. You will design and make a menu for this reason you need to take different material to make a the best restaurant menu.

Here you have two example of menu. Dissenyeu-lo sobre paper de colors o pinteu i decoreu-lo perquè sigui el millor menú. Després penseu quins plats voleu oferir al vostre restaurant (podeu posar els que hem estudiat o buscar-ne de nous... imaginació)

Send me your menu to: juncadellaangles@gmail.com

Let's go to get a lot of inspiration!! And... do your best!!

Have a beautiful week!! I Send you lots of kisses. 

WEEK 10 AT HOME  (from 25 to 31st.)

Hello Kids! This week we bring you an activity about the food, where you have to write about the food that likes and dislikes to a member of your family. (here you have the explanation)

And here the worksheet you have to complete. (if you have any doubt please, write me an email: jucnadellaangles@gmail.com).

When you finish your work, please send it to juncadellaangles@gmail.com

I hpe you have a nice week!! I send you lots of kisses. 

WEEK 9 AT HOME  (from 18 to 24th.)

Hello everyone! here we are another week. This week we change on the topic, we start the food topic. 

Do you remember the food from unit 4? Let's refresh! Click and have a look to the flashcards. 

To have refresh it here you have three games:

 - Wordsearch: "sopa de lletres" heu de buscar la paraula i després clicar l'imatge. 

 - Hangman: "penjat".

 - Find and match: "busca i relaciona"

Then I propose you a worksheet: It's about "I like / I don't like" (m'agrada / no m'agrada) it's an easy one to start the unit. (les tres últimes frases us les heu d'inventar i fer-hi el dibuix corresponent).

When you have finished send your worksheet to me (juncadellaangles@gmail.com) taking a photo or scanning your paper.

If you have any doubt, email me: juncadellaangles@gmail.com

Hope you have a nice week!!

WEEK 8 AT HOME  (from 11 to 17th.)

Hello boys and girls!!!

This week I bring you a village map! 

First of all here you have the explanation: Explanation map.

Then you can complete the worksheet about the village map.

When you have finished send your worksheet to me (juncadellaangles@gmail.com) taking a photo or scanning your paper and send me a video of you reading the sentences. 

Have a nice week!! Hugs and kisses!

WEEK 7 AT HOME  (from 4 to 10th.) 

Hello boys and girls 

This week we continue on working on some places in a village.

Explicació com fer servir el There is/ There isn't  (després fes l'activitat) 👇

Explicació com fer preguntes i respostes sobre situació (després fes l'activitat)👇

WEEK 6 AT HOME  (from 27 to 3rd.)

Hello boys and girls 

This week we are going to remember some places in a village 


And some games to play:
- Hangman (penjat)
- Maze (llegeix la pregunta que et fa i busca el lloc que li correspon)

If you have any doubt please contact me (juncadellaangles@gmail.com)

WEEK 5 AT HOME  (from 20 to 26th.)

Hello boys and girls!!

This wek we are going to remember how to make questions and answers about the activities!! 

Let's remember

On-line activities:

    1) Unjumble words

    2) Quiz activities

If you have any doubt please contact me - juncadellaangles@gmail.com






Let's celebrate EASTER at home! 

Here you have a spot the differences and a easter word search!





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