WEEK 12 AT HOME (from 8th to 14th.)
Hello boys and girls!! This week I bring you a fun activity, a craft! It's called a Family Fortune Teller you just have to print this, follow the video steps and enjoy playing.
Print: Family Fortune Teller
and then follow these steps...
I hope you have a wonderful week!!! Kisses for everyone!
WEEK 11 AT HOME (from 2nd to 7th.)
Hello boys and girls!! This week I bring you an easy activity about the family, you just have to draw all the members of the family, and then make lines and write who is he or she. (example)
Here you have a worksheet where you can draw your family or if you prefer you can take a blank paper.
Have a beautiful week!! I send you lots of kisses.
WEEK 10 AT HOME (from 25 to 31st.)
Hello boys and girls!! This week we start a new topic... it's about the family. (here you have the flashcards to refresh the members of the family).
And here you have three games to practice the members of the family.
I hope you have a great week !! Lots of kisses for everyone.
WEEK 9 AT HOME (from 17 to 24th.)
Hello everyone!! This week I bring you a worksheet, where you have to draw and describe a monster.
When you have done the worksheet, send it to (juncadellaangles@gmail.com)If you have any doubt please, email me.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
WEEK 8 AT HOME (from 11 to 17th.)
Hello boys and girls!!
This week we continue on working on the body.
Explicació com fer frases per descriure el cos:
Com fer frases del cos.
I propose you two games:
Match numbers; (relacionar els nombres)
Unjumble words; (ordena les frases)
And then...
Worksheet to complete; (relaciona les descripcions amb els monstres)
Send your worksheet to me (juncadellaangles@gmail.com) taking a photo or scanning your paper.
Have a nice week!! Lots of kisses.
WEEK 7 AT HOME (from 4 to 10th.)
Hello boys and girls!!
This week we change on the topic, we are going to work on the body, do you remember?
Here you have the flashcards:
Body flashcards
I propose you three games:
Match up (relaciona imatge i paraula)
Anagram (escriu les paraules)
Laballed (posa etiquetes)
If you have any doubt you can also write me an email juncadellaangles@gmail.com
WEEK 6 AT HOME (from 27 to 3rd.)
Hello boys and girls!!
This week we continue on working with the animals.
You just have to complete this sheet. (explantation)
(Quan tingueu el full/fitxa omplert us graveu dient les frases que heu escrit)
Send your animals work to me (juncadellaangles@gmail.com) taking a photo or scanning your paper, and attach your video.
If you have any doubt you can also write me an email.
Have a nice week!!
WEEK 5 AT HOME (from 20 to 26th.)
Hello boys and girls!!
This week we are going to work with this story “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?”
This week we are going to work with this story “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?”
1) “Brown bear brown bear”
2) “Animal Quiz”
3) “Make sentences” - (Explicació com fer les frases)
Per qualsevol dubte podeu contactar amb mi a través del correu juncadellaangles@gmail.com
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